


Our Trustees

The Trustees would like to thank our shareholders for your ongoing support as we endeavour to ensure Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust flourishes for many years to come.  We do this through maintaining our current portfolios whilst investing in future focused opportunities and holding to the values and aspirations that Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust and its founders established on behalf of our tupuna, for now and for those to come.

Trustees: Ngahihi Bidois, Te Rangikaheke Bidois,  Natalia Van Veen, Geoff Rice, Wharekonehu Te Moni, Anaru Bidois 

Insert:  Reremanu Wihapi

Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trustees, Haraki Marae, Nov. 2019