Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust


What we do

Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust continues to be a sustainable Trust maintaining the high values and protocols passed down by previous Trustees and Owners.  The Trustees endeavour to ensure Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata Trust flourishes for many years to come by looking for more future opportunities while maintaining the current portfolios, values and protocols that Mangorewa Kaharoa Te Taumata trust has always enjoyed.


We are the Kaitaiki of our lands, people and assets.  We are, and will act as, prudent trustees of the trust.

Grants and Scholarships

Applications CLOSED


Whakapapa: through sacred connections we uphold mana whenua over our land and will invest in and advocate on behalf of our people.

“Ko mātou ko te whenua, ko te whenua ko mātou”

We are the land and the land is us.

Our values

  • Inquisitive – We will look for and debate new opportunities.
  • Respect – We will have and show respect for the past, present and future relationships.
  • Sustainability – We will ensure we have the capacity to remain in existence forever.

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